Monday, March 5, 2007

How to hide the navbar in blogger?

If you used to sign up for a free web service on the internet such as free blog service, free domain name, free hosting, free may see an advertising bar on the top of your web pages. Because they give you the free services, so they have the right to advertise on your site. These ads are about their own services such as the ad of or the ads they run from some advertising networks such as the one of .They attach these ads to your side to get more traffic, fame or money... of Google is the same. And the ad in is call the navbar. Don't like the ads of other services, the navbar not only make viewers notice at Blogger service when they visit your site but also provide us some utilities such as blog search and display the login state of out Google account. You can see a brief description of the navbar in the Template section in your Blogger account above the HTML code box.

So, the navbar is helpful for and for us too. But sometimes we don't want to display the navbar to make our blog look more professional or make it different with the others or some what reasons...Hiding the navbar is simple. You just include the code below to the /css definition section of your blog template.

<style type="text/css">

<!--Copy the code below-->


height: 0px;

visibility: hidden;

display: none;


<!--End code-->


Try it and you will see its effect. Good luck!


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