Friday, March 30, 2007

Be careful when using Google Adsense and other advertising networks on the same page

Some publishers increase their earnings by placing different ads of different advertising networks on their websites. How about using Google Adsense together with others? The answer is you should be careful when doing that. Your Adsense account can be suspended if you violate its TOS and the Google AdSense Program Policies.

In the Google AdSense Program Policies, you must read carefully the term below:

Competitive Ads and Services
We do not permit Google ads or search boxes accessing Google search services to be published on web pages that also contain what could be considered competing ads or services.

Some webmasters read this term and realize that they can use other advertising networks' ads on their websites but they must not be placed on the same page. The Google AdSense Program Policies also says that:

This would include ads that mimic
Google ads or otherwise appear to be associated with Google on your site.

This doesn't mean that you can place any others' ads on your website when you think they doesn't compete with Google Adsense.AdBrite is one of the most popular advertising networks on the internet. AdBrite says that it accepts ads from Google Adsense on the same page with its. AdBrite's publishers think that: AdBrite doesn't mimic Google, except from the fact that it's a list of text links, kind of hard to disallow all text links for fear someone might think it's Google text. Well, this is a risk! We all don't know whether one nice day Google think that the ads you are using are competing with their ads. As a result, your account will be terminated.

An advice for this problem is: before deciding to do something that might violate Google Adsense 's TOS or Google AdSense Program Policies, you should email Google to ask for permission. That's a wise choice.

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